
In the contact section you can find the address and phone numbers.

On the services web page you will find a short list of included or paid services, from which you can find out details such as the presence of a B&B-airport shuttle service (and vice versa), participation for events, workshops or rules on pets.

We have an agreement with Garage Fiesolana (via Fiesolana 17r), 30 euro per day. Please tell them you are our guests. The garage closes at 00.00.

Another option is the Garage City Florence (Borgo Pinti 101), 27 euro price.

(For both, you can enter the ZTL zone, leave your luggage at our place first and then park, the garage will take care of communicating your number plate to the police so you don’t get a fine).

If the price of these garages is too high, I advise you to park at GARAGE PARTERRE (Piazza Libertà) at 15 euro per day, then from there it will be a 20min walk. In this case you CANNOT enter the ZTL first to unload your luggage.


We have availability for a crib without any supplement. Please contact Us to book a crib.


In order to use your promotional code, please tell us your code during booking request.

My reservation

From 1 July 2011 the City of Florence by resolution of the City Council No. 230/33 of 06.20.2011, integrated by resolution No. 21/2012, has established the “’tourist tax”. The tax is applied to non-residents overnight stays in the city of Florence and for a maximum of 7 consecutive nights. The tax rate for this tourist structure is 5,50 euro per person per night.

There are the following exemptions:

  • children up to twelve years old ;
  • people who care for patients admitted to local hospitals, including outpatient care, for a maximum of two assistants per patient;
  • patients who make hospital care in outpatient care;
  • students of the University of Florence;
  • personnel belonging to Law Enforcements, to the National Firefighters Corps and Civil Defence who, for exclusive service needs and limited to the duration of the same, stay in accommodation facilities in the municipal area;
  • the severely disabled, whose disability status is certified in accordance with art. 3 paragraph 3 of Law No. 104/92 and similar provisions of the countries of origin for foreign citizens;
  • the employees of the accommodation facilities who stay there for exclusive work needs.

It is also provided a 50% reduction of the tourist tax in the following cases:

  • groups of lower and upper secondary schools in Florence in teaching visit;
  • athletes under the age of 16 years, members of groups participating in sporting events and tournaments organized in collaboration with the Municipal Administration.

La Municipalité de Florence a introduit la taxe de séjour à partir du 1er Juillet 2011 conformément à la résolution du Conseil Municipal n°230/33 du 20/06/2011, intégrée avec délibération n° 21/2012. La taxe ne s’applique que sur l’hospitalité nocturne des non-résidents dans la ville de Florence et pour un maximum de 7 nuits consécutives. Le montant de la taxe pour cette structure réceptive est de 4,00 Euro par personne la nuit.

Sont prévues les exemptions suivantes:

  • les mineurs jusqu’à l’âge de douze ans;
  • les personnes qui assistent les malades hospitaliers au près des structures sanitaires du territoire, aussi en régime d’hospitalisation diurne, pour un maximum de deux accompagnateurs par patient;
  • les patients qui effectuent les soins hospitaliers en régime d’hospitalisation diurne;
  • les étudiants inscrits aux universités de Florence;
  • le personnel appartenant à la police, à l’organisme national des pompiers et à la protection civile qui, pour des besoins exclusifs de service, et limitée à la durée du même, reste dans les logements dans la zone municipale;
  • les personnes gravement handicapées, pour lesquels la condition d’invalidité est certifiée conformément à l’art. 3 paragraphe 3 de la loi n ° 104/92 et dispositions similaires des pays d’origine pour les citoyens étrangers;
  • les employés des établissements d’hébergement qui y séjournent pour des exclusifs besoins de travail.

Il est en outre prévu la réduction de 50% des impôts de séjour dans les cas suivants:

  • les groupes scolaires du collège et du lycée en visite didactique;
  • les sportifs d’âges inferieurs à 16 ans, composants de groupes sportifs participants aux initiatives et aux tournois organisés en collaboration avec l’Administration Municipale.

Ab dem 1. Juli 2011 hat die Stadt Florenz die Kurtaxe durch Beschluss des Stadtrates Nr. 230/33 von 20/06/2011 eingeführt, integriert mit dem Beschluss Nr. 21/2012. Die Steuer gilt nur für Übernachtungen von nicht – Ansässigen in der Stadt Florenz und einem Maximum von 7 aufeinander folgenden Nächten. Das Maß der Steuer für diese Unterkunft beträgt Euro 4,00 pro Nacht, pro Person.

Es gelten folgende Ausnahmen:

  • Kinder bis zur Vollendung des zwölften Lebensjahres;
  • diejenigen, die Patienten, in einer medizinischen Einrichtung des Gebietes versorgen, auch in Tagesklinikregime; maximal zwei Begleiter pro Patientenversorgung;
  • Patienten die medizinische Versorgungen vornehmen müssen, auch in Tagesklinikregime;
  • Die Studenten, die an der Universität Florenz eingeschrieben sind;
  • Mitarbeiter der Ordnungskräften, des staatlichen Organ der Feuerwehr und Zivilschutz, die sich nur für Bedürfnisse des Dienstes – und nur während der Dienstzeit – in den Beherbergungsbetrieben im Gemeindegebiet aufhalten;
  • Menschen mit schweren Behinderungen und mit einem Behindertenstatus, den gemäß dem Artikel 3 Absatz 3 des italienischen Gesetzes Nr. 104/92 – und der ähnlichen Rechtsvorschriften von Herkunftsländern für ausländische Staatsangehörige – bescheinigt worden ist;
  • Mitarbeiter der Beherbergungsbetrieben, die sich nur aufgrund von beruflichen Notwendigkeiten dort aufhalten.

Weiterhin ist eine 50% Reduzierung der Steuer bei folgenden Fällen vorgesehen:

  • Schulklassen von der 5. bis 13 Schulklasse auf Lehrfahrt;
  • Sportler unter 16 Jahren, Mitglieder von Sportgruppen, die an Initiativen und Turnieren teilnehmen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gemeinde organisiert werden.

Desde el primero de Julio 2011 la Ciudad de Florencia ha establecido el “impuesto turístico” a travès de la resolución del Ayuntamiento n. 230/33 de 20/06/2011. El impuesto se aplica sólo en el alojamiento de las personas no residentes en la ciudad de Florencia y por un máximo de 7 noches consecutivas. La tarifa del impuesto para esta estructura turística es de 4,00 euros por persona cada noche.

Existen las siguientes exenciónes:

  • los niños hasta el cumplimiento de doce años;
  • las personas que atienden a pacientes ingresados en centros sanitarios del territorio, incluso en regimen de hospital de día, hasta un máximo de dos acompañadores por paciente;
  • los pacientes que efectuan tratamientos hospitalarios de hospital de día;
  • los estudiantes de la Universidad de Florencia;
  • el personal perteneciente a la policía, al cuerpo nacional de bomberos y protección civil que, por necesidades exclusivas de servicio, y limitado a la duración del mismo, se aloja en instalaciones de alojamiento en el área municipal;
  • aquellos con discapacidades severas, cuya condición de discapacidad está certificada de conformidad con el art. 3 párrafo 3 de la Ley No. 104/92 y disposiciones similares de los países de origen para ciudadanos extranjeros;
  • los empleados de las instalaciones de alojamiento que se quedan allí por exclusivas necesidades de trabajo.

La reducción de 50% del impuesto turístico esta contemplada también en los siguientes casos:

  • grupos escolásticos del ciclo superior de la EGB y bachillerato en visita didáctica;
  • los deportistas menores de 16 años que componen grupos deportivos que participan a iniciativas y torneos organizados en collaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Florencia.

With a credit card as guarantee: Until 9.00 p.m.

For all cancellation or modification policies click here.


On the day of departure, all the rooms must be left by 10.30 am to allow the cleaning of the facilities and the and the arrival of new guests

As B&Bs are small family-run businesses, we DO NOT HAVE a 24-hour reception service as in hotels, so please inform us here or by phone of your estimated time of arrival at least 24 hours before arrival.
In case of any delay, we kindly ask you to inform us as you may not find anyone at home, so we can avoid the inconvenience of unnecessary waiting.

Wi-fi connection is present throughout the entire facility.

This property guarantees cleaning and disinfection of rooms and common areas the who guidelines standards.

The price of the room at our B&B includes: the use of the bedroom and a private bathroom, breakfast and use of the common kitchen’s amenities, the supply of fresh towels and sheets, the use of all bathroom accessories, a TV and a fan. Daily cleaning takes plae between 10.30 to 12.30 a.m.; however, the same will not work if the room is occupied during that time.

Breakfast is served in your room or in the garden between 8.00 and 10.00 a.m. according to your request indicated in the menu. Please report any known food allergies or special diets. Cooking or preparing meals in the rooms is always forbidden.

It is possible to request the service for private meals (dinner or lunch) with 24 hours in advance or during booking time, you will receive the menu of the day, changes can be made.

Guests will be provided with the keys upon their arrival, they can entry and exit our B&B as they please and with no time limits.

For public security purposes, guests are not permitted to have visitors in our B&B at any time.

We inform our guests that all windows have shitters and drapes to guarantee a good sleep and the dark and privacy in the room; as well as mosquitos nets to be opened with the side lanyard or magnets.

Guest can leave their luggages in our storage.

In the bedroom and bathroom our guests will find everything they need: blankets, pillows, towels, toiletries, etc. Our B&B can provide: hair dryer, iron and ironing board and the necessary for the baby. Our B&B will be more than happy to help in case of any other needs to guarantee our guests a comfortable stay.

We kindly ask our guests a proper use of toilettes, i.e. not throwing anything into the WC (please use the appropriate bins).

Guests are not allowed to use their own electrical appliances, except for electric shavers and hair dryers in the bathroom.

You must keep a distance of at least one meter from the staff and other guests in all common areas and wear a mask.

Smoking is not permitted, but there is the possibility to smoke outside on the common garden or the private terrace. It is forbidden to use any type of stove for heating food, stoves and heating or lighting fixtures in general with electrical operation with visible resistance or fueled with solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. Finally, it is forbidden to keep even small deposits of flammable substances in the B&B premises.

Guest must respect silence during sleeping hours 10.00 p.m. – 8.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. In any case, guests are required to keep a behaviors that is any moment of the day and In no way can harm the tranquility of the others guests.

Guests are held responsible for any damage done to the B&B furniture/decoration or other facilities insides the rooms and for the improper use of additional equipment. At the end of stay, guests must return the keys: any case of loss or damage will be charged to the guest. Guests are asked to turn off all the lights of the rooms, fan, and other equipment when they leave the premises.

Guests must take good care of their own belongings. We will not be held responsible for any loss or theft incurred. We will not be liable for any inconvenience due to total or partial lack of supplies such as gas, electricity, water, telephone line or internet connection outside of our control.

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botanic nero

Thank you for choosing our Bed and Breakfast and we wish you a serene and happy stay.

erbe nero

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